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Business Coaching Career

Updated: May 31, 2023

Coaching is a profession that helps businesses have a vision, clear goals, and optimize resources. Unlike other types, the coach will have a very specific goal plan for the client.

Dr. Dam Quang Thang - Chairman of the National Innovation Startup Advisory Council, Founder of Bizcare Business Coaching

- Sir, could you give a brief introduction about the coaching profession?

Coaching, also known as coaching or mentoring, this term is increasingly used in business and startups. According to the definition of the International Coach Federation (ICF), coaching is a collaborative process between the coach and the coach in which the coach stimulates creative thinking, inspires and helps the trainee. Coaching to maximize personal and professional potential.

In the world, this profession has been very developed, but in Vietnam the coaching profession is still limited and there are really not many professional coaches, mainly still in the form of part-time activities. There are many coaches who have been trained but have not considered it as an art and are not really serious about this profession.

- Can you share more about the development of the coaching industry in the world today, how has this industry developed?

According to a study by the International Coach Federation (ICF) in 2020 on a global scale conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, by 2019 there will be 71,000 active and practicing coaches. This is a 33% increase from 2015, with a strong focus on emerging regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean (up 171% from 2015). The Asian region increased by about 40%, the number of coaches in this region is still very low compared to other regions. By the end of 2019, there were only about 4,600 practicing coaches and about 3,400 business owners and business leaders. Use coaching skills at work. Coaching activities currently mainly focus on training for: Business leaders; Executive work; Business activities, organizations or small businesses.

Also according to ICF data, the age of coaches participating in practice is mainly focused on generation X, X is calculated from 1965 to 1981 and is spread across all regions. Only in North America, the Baby Boomer generation accounts for about 53%, this generation is determined to be born between 1946 and 1964. Coaching can also be considered a billion-dollar industry when estimated. total revenue from this activity in 2019 is about $2.849 billion, up 21% compared to 2015 and the average income of a coach is about $47,100/year

- Sir, that is the general situation in the world, but in Vietnam alone, how has this industry been developed, sir?

Currently, many organizations have participated in training and building a network of coaches, for example Action Coach is also one of the organizations that can train many coaches for Vietnam. However, the problem here is that those who have been trained to become coaches, they have to define it as a profession, they have to focus on a lot of skills to be able to become really professional coaches and earn money. live from the income of this activity.

- Can you share more about the important role of the coach with businesses and startups?

Businesses here can be large enterprises, small and medium enterprises, start-ups and especially creative start-ups, when they have a coach they will have a vision and a very clear goal. That goal can be long-term or short-term, the resources of the business will be optimized to achieve those specific goals. Unlike other types of consultants and consultants, the coach will have a very specific goal plan for the client.

This profession requires a very high level of trust and commitment between the two parties. Coaching activities in business will focus mainly on people, focusing on discovering and developing people through questions and answers. skills, to bring businesses to the most creative thinking and solutions. Thus, we can see that the coach is very meaningful and important for businesses in general and startups in particular, because in startups or innovative start-ups, people are a one of a company's greatest assets.

- So sir, what needs to be done to become a professional coach or what conditions must be met to be recognized as a coach?

To become a coach, having experience in business they need to go through a really methodical and professional training process in both theory and practice. Coaches have to learn a lot of skills such as listening skills, questioning skills to ask real power questions, training and access to many advanced business models to work with their clients. I set up goals and the most feasible destinations, to have a specific action plan. Coaches can practice between coaches, or practice with their clients. In particular, to become a professional coach, it is necessary to undergo continuous practice time to improve the level, more or less practice hours reflect the level and experience of the coach. Finally, to become a coach, you also have to invest resources such as time, effort, and even finance.

- Sir, nowadays many people will still confuse the concept of mentor and coach, so can you share more clearly about the difference between these two concepts?

Advisors rely a lot on experience to support startups to find solutions, but in the role of advisors, the commitment between mentor and mentee is not high, the plan and mentoring time are also very flexible and flexible. motion. As for the coach, besides the experience, it is imperative that they be trained very well and use the skills to be able to crack or discover the full human potential of the trained trainee. , setting and addressing short-term goals. In addition, high commitment and trust, when working together, the two sides must trust each other and must have certain commitments, especially the commitment to the roadmap that the two parties have signed together must be clear. clear. Coaches will focus on very short goals from which they will develop long-term goals. Another difference is that coaching is a profession and it is possible to make a living by doing it, maybe even a high income.

Basically, the purpose of 02 activities is almost the same, both supporting businesses/start-ups. Mentoring and coaching activities focus on the client's current situation and find solutions for the future.

- Yes! In your opinion, which organizations and centers are currently training and certifying coaches in Vietnam, sir?

To become a coach, we should find really reputable training organizations, internationally tested or highly appreciated in the market. Currently, there are many organizations participating in training both at home and abroad, but often these training organizations are foreign organizations with headquarters/representatives in Vietnam or cross-border training on the basis of online training. Those who want to become coaches should choose training places that are authorized by the ICF or have the authority to issue certificates under ICF authorization. Prestigious organizations are the places to train the best coaches to serve the community well, now these organizations have been recognized by the community and have the function and task of training coaches.

- Thank you very much!

Source: Diendandoanhnghiep


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